SocialStars New Website is Live
SocialStarsWW new improved site is up and running! After creating the first website I was not happy with the looks of it and decided to try a new site that would allow me more freedom to create my own visions. As the website grows I will be adding more features. You the Featured Artists deserve to have a place to show off your music, photos and links to social media. So I decided to expand and give back to all of you that have inspired me to be creative. I am going to offer some paid services to upgrade each of your profiles. The proceeds from these upgrades will help the site to continually grow. Some of the upgrades would include adding more links to your profile. Currently all profiles will be linked to Twitter and your personal website, but if you would like to upgrade I can add iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, and more. Contact us for more information on Featured Artists Pro Upgrades. We are here to help you build an audience and in return we ask that you help us grow along with you. Please follow us on all of our social media also and together let's make a difference.

So what all is on our new website? We currently have a home page with our twitter feed and a SoundCloud playlist. We have a Blog that will be filled with SocialStars news, videos, photos, upcoming events and reviews. There is a page that tells What We Do and offer. Featured Artists page with the Featured Artist of the Month and several profiles and videos. Photos and Videos page with Fan Art and Artists Interviews.

On our About Us page you can read all about me and how I got started in the Entertainment Industry. You can also see some of the lyrics I have written on the My Lyrics page. There is also a Contact Us page that you can reach out to us about anything and you can Subcribe to us for updates. Finally there is a Links page that currently has my links and will have links to the Featured Artists as I add them.
I hope you enjoy the website and I look forward to bringing you new and updated content regularly so bookmark our page and subscribe to get updates. Don't miss out on your chance to see exclusive content. Thanks for visiting our page.
P.S. Though our site is free to enjoy if you would like to donate there will be a link and button on our Home page and in the Contact Us page. All donations are appreciated and will help us grow.