True Country Girl Interview with Reatha Pitman

Get To Know True Country Girl Reatha Pitman
Reatha Pitman is an American Country Singer Songwriter out of Long Beach, Mississippi. She recently released her debut EP "Road On Which We Travel". There are four songs on this album and she is excited to share them. "Hittin The Road" and "Darlin He's Yours" were both written in response to her cheating husband and they are typical cheating songs. "Room For Both Of Us" is a song about all the girls/women who have been jealous of her and tried to stand in her way. It's not a hateful song, just a song of empowerment telling others there's room for more than one and we can both do this if we encourage and support each other. Her final song "Daddy's Little Girl" was written in response to the emotions she is dealing with as her father is fighting cancer that is incurable and she wanted to commemorate him in a song he could hear before he passes. She has been singing and performing from a very young age and has dreamed of being a Country Artist since she watched country music videos at her grandfathers house as a child. Reatha currently serves in the US Navy as a prior service recruiter and has served 14 years with the Navy. Songwriting is not something that comes easily for her although she believes it is getting easier as she is writing more. She's currently working on her next album which she hopes to complete by Summer 2019.
Reatha was a nominee in SocialStars #JustPushPlay Featured Artist Contest for December and is one of the newest members of the family. It has been a real pleasure to get to know this true Country Singer/Songwriter and join her in her journey as a star on the rise currently. Reatha is a mother, Navy service woman, musician and all around great friend. Reatha is a "True Country Girl" with a dream to share with the world through the Modern Country songs that she sings about her true life experiences.

True Country Girl Reatha Pitman Interview
SocialStars recently got the opportunity to get to know Reatha better with this interview that she was more than happy to give to us and her fans! We are pleased to bring you the following interview to help you get to know more about this upcoming star in the Country Music industry. We hope you enjoy getting to hear behind the music stories about each of her new songs and all about her amazing life and career.
Let's start off by telling us a little about yourself and how you came to love music?
I am an American Country Singer Songwriter out of Long Beach, MS. I just started writing music and recently released my debut EP. I've always had a love for country music as I grew up listening to it. My first concert was Kenny Rogers at a state fair. I'm originally from Michigan but my entire family is from Arkansas and I have always considered that home.
What were some of your first memories of wanting to be a singer and was there a particular artist that you idolized at a young age?
I used to watch country music videos on the tv for hours when I stayed at my grandfather's house in Sikeston, MO. There wasn't anything else to do. That's when my true love started and my dreams of being a country music singer began. I listened to Reba and The Judds. The Judds have always been my idols and I love their music.
From that age to now how has your influences in music changed and who are your major influences currently?
Most of my life, my musical influences have always been the same. The Judds, Reba, Faith Hill, Marina McBride, and Shania. I looked up to the strong women of country. Recently I've delved a little deeper and really started being influenced by the older musicians like Kitty Wells, Patsy Cline, and Loretta Lynn. My style is a cross between new country and old.
Reatha is a "True Country Girl" with a dream to share with the world...SocialStars
Since beginning to sing what kind of training have you been through to get to where you are now?
I took voice lessons in High school as well as some piano lessons. My real training began when I started college and claimed a music minor. I completed the entire minor but then transferred schools. I took a variety of music classes and participated in Women's Choir. The rest I learned on my own.
Has your family always encouraged you to pursue a career in the music industry? We also know that you have served your country in the US Navy for over 14 years currently and we Thank you for your service! How has your career in music been impacted by your time in the service?
My family has actually discouraged me from pursuing a career in music. All the you can't make money in that industry topics of conversation. Recently some of my family has started getting on board and they're all really proud of what I have accomplished even if it wasn't their first choice for me. Yes, I've been serving in the US Navy for the last 14 years and I'm currently a prior service recruiter near New Orleans, LA. I never planned to stay in this long but it has served me very well. I only have 6 years left before retirement and I'm planning on returning to the reserves once my music can support me and my family. My music career hasn't really been impacted by my navy career. I never thought I'd be able to do what I have done with my music. But with the changing industry and the ability we have now to record virtually anywhere and independently sell our music, I've been able to pursue my dreams.

As a songwriter what are the biggest challenges you face when you set down to write something new?
Songwriting is rather difficult for me. I'm not one of those people that can sit down and just write and in a short period of time I have everything. I find that sort of coming up with a melody and then finding words that fit work best for me. I'm finding too that I'm more creative when I'm driving places...which probably isn't very safe. Rhymes are my hardest feature of songwriting. I always have to look up words.
Let's talk about your debut EP "Road On Which We Travel" that was recently released. Tell us about the journey to making this EP!
One day I woke up and decided that it was now or never. I was watching a movie, I think, and a melody and words just came to mind. So I wrote everything down and recorded it so I could send it to my engineer that was recording the demo. After that, the process got more difficult. I was able to find an engineer to record the demo but still needed a producer and sound engineer as well as studio musicians and a studio to record the actual EP. My song director at church referred me to a local guy and from there I recorded the album. The songs were then mixed and mastered in Nashville.
"I've been serving in the US Navy for the last 14 years and I'm currently a prior service recruiter near New Orleans, LA."...Reatha Pitman
"Hittin the Road" and "Darlin' He's Yours" the first two songs off the EP were written as typical cheating songs from your own experiences. So many songs result from life experiences, be it good or bad experiences that we all go through. Tell us about both of these songs and has writing them helped you in the healing process?
I have been married twice and both ex's cheated on me. Both thought they were being discreet but I knew about all the women. I'm a lot smarter than they are. I can't say that I really needed to heal so much as I just wanted to be able to tell the world about their mistakes. It felt good to be able to write 2 songs about men I don't like very much and to be able to share with everyone my journey.
The next song is one called "Room For Both of Us" Tell us what this song is about and give us your thoughts on empowering, supporting and encouraging others?
I wrote this song out of frustration. My whole life I've come across girls and women that are so petty and jealous they want to try to tear me down and keep me from my dreams. What these ladies don't understand is that by supporting one another we both end up on top. Many of them wanted me to support them but would not reciprocate and I reached a point where I just needed to put it into words. So many times musicians think they need to step on others to get to the top and I wanted to be a voice that says we can both do it but we have to support each other and be there for each other.
The final song on your EP is named Daddy's Little Girl which you wrote to commemorate your father who is fighting cancer. Describe the feelings that are portrayed in this song and the emotions you get when performing it? What reaction did you get from your father when he first heard it?
This was the hardest song I've ever written. I found out 2 years ago my dad has multiple myeloma which is an incurable bone cancer. We actually found out the week my son was born. I've spent the last 2 years pretending he wasn't dying and pushing my feeling down. I wanted to write a song he could enjoy listening to while he was still with us and wanted him to know how much I love him. The best part is he was able to hear me sing it for the first time in public when he came to see me perform at the Mississippi Songwriters Festival which was really amazing. I'm so glad he was able to be there for that.

Let's talk a little about performing. How would you describe your onstage personality?
I'm relaxed but I don't like to move around too much. I like interacting with the crowd so I'm fun and I talk a lot to get everyone engaged.
What are some of your most memorable performances and what made them so memorable?
The Songwriters Festival was my all time favorite. There something about being with other writers who are performing and talking about their songs that just so inspiring. There's so much love and support. It definitely lit a fire in me. I really like performing at veterans events too. People don't realize how simple a performance to support vets is but also how much it can mean to them. I hope to one day do a deployment tour where I can perform in front of vets around the world who are deployed.
Would you rather perform in front of a big crowd or in smaller more intimate settings?
I like big crowds. I'm a person that really feeds off others and big crowds mean lots of fun, lots of personality, and lots of interaction. I'm not an adrenaline junkie but the more people there are the more adrenaline which is such an awesome feeling.
When performing do you have certain songs that you encourage crowd participation and what are they?
I don't really encourage crowd participation but I encourage couples to dance when I perform some of the older country songs.
If you could perform anywhere with anyone, where would you perform and who would you want to perform with the most?
The Judds because they're absolutely amazing. Their voices blend so well together and I love Naomi's style. Also Toby Keith because he seems so real. I love his songs, I love what he stands for, and I love that he supports vets. Either of these folks would be an experience I'd never forget.
Besides music what are some of your favorite past time activities, hobbies and/or interests that you enjoy doing?
I really love riding horses. I haven't gone riding in a couple years but I love horses...have my whole life. I also like to fish and read. I'm a go go go girl. I really like to be doing something almost all the time. I have a 2 year old and he keeps me on my toes but I also get to do a lot of really fun stuff that's considered kid stuff like go to the zoo which is really fun. Right now its Christmas and I'm obsessed with the Hallmark Christmas Movies. I pretty much watch them all the time.
"I'm not an adrenaline junkie but the more people there are the more adrenaline which is such an awesome feeling"...Reatha Pitman
We are in the midst of the holiday season, what are some of your family traditions and how important is it to you to carry on those traditions? What are your favorite holiday dishes that you only have around the holidays?
My family has never really been big on traditions. Growing up we did have 1 tradition and that was to open only one gift after midnight on Christmas Eve. We also usually went to the Christmas Eve service at church which I sang at a number of times. Now that I have my own family I like the traditions you see in movies. Family Christmas parties, Eggnog, I like to bake cookies...I make the best cookies ever, and Christmas Candy. I love decorating the Christmas tree and I really love finding just the right gift for everyone on my list and actually wrapping them. This year I'm really hoping to get a real Christmas tree and I'll hand make our stockings again this year.
Give me three words that would describe your personality and why?
Outgoing, Persistent and Ambitious: All three of these describe me because I love people, I love crowds but I also have responsibilities and I'm not gonna take no for an answer. I was raised to have a good work ethic and I work hard to be able to enjoy my time off.
If we was to watch NetFlix and you got to choose a series to binge watch what would it be?
Right now I'm binge watching When Calls The Heart from the Hallmark channel. I love the era and the people. I really love the wholesome message as well as the romance. I'm a big believer in movies and TV shows should always end well. Thus far this is turning out pretty good.
Fan interaction is an important part of being an artist and the most rewarding. Any stories you have about fans that have stood out to you? First Autograph story? Maybe the first time a fan noticed you in public?
I don't have any crazy fan stories. My first autograph was actually a little boy that was so scared to ask me. He thought I was so beautiful and had his mom ask me for my autograph. We took a picture together and he eventually relaxed but he was so sweet. It was a veterans event to raise money for a local veterans organization.
Tell us how you like to interact with your fans and what you have coming up in the future that fans will enjoy?
Currently I have nothing coming up as the holidays are usually a slow time for me. I am trying to book some small house concerts locally but that is proving to be more difficult than I orginally anticipated. I've also started working on booking events and shows starting in January so hopefully I'll have some new stuff soon. I really love interacting with my fans. I post a variety of fan interaction posts on my Facebook page at aka Reatha Pitman Music, and I like to highlight other local bands throughout the month as well to help show support. I'd really love to hear from my fans more often.
By the way I have started work on my next EP so everyone needs to stay tuned on news about that.
Thank you so much Reatha for taking time out to do this interview with us at SocialStars. You're a great new addition to our lineup of artists and we are honored to have you with us. You can find out more about Reatha Pitman at the links below! Get to know her and be watching for new updates and concert events she has coming up. Thank you for reading and make sure to leave a comment for us below.