Country Girl Goes Pop-Emma Rowley

Emma Rowley a Nashville recording artist goes from Country Music to full on Pop with a bit of a Rock vibe on her new songs.
The first song of 4 that she has planned to release is titled "Evaporate" and is an amazing song that shows her transformation from Country to Pop and with great success. I had the pleasure to speak with Emma about her new song and this is what she had to say about her new avenue she has chosen to pursue.
Emma: I’ve totally changed my angle artistically with a fresh focus completely on creating dreamy pop and it feels more right than anything else I’ve put out for the world to listen to.
I have been following Emma for some time now and have seen her slowly transform from Country to Pop doing covers by Artists like Julia Michaels, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift and many more. It was not an overnight transformation for her but with this new sound. I think she has found her new style which is a big step from some of her earlier music like "Blue Eyes" and "If You Only Knew"
that showcased her Country music sound and style.
If you haven't heard "Evaporate" yet you can check it out here in the video below. I think you will agree that her new music is a fresh new style and what we can expect more of in the future.
After hearing this song the first time I instantly saw the new and exciting vibe she brought with her amazing vocals and the arrangement she put into this song! I asked her how the song came about and this is what she had to say:
Emma: The song was just a basic musical track sent to me about a year ago by my two producers. They had written it with my musical vibe in mind and then sent it to me asking if I’d be interested in writing lyrics to it. So I did and Evaporate was born!! It was such a cool journey creating this song because I got to use the foundation they gave me to build onto!
"Evaporate" is the first of four songs that Emma said she was going to be releasing each Friday in the month of October! Miles and Running With The Dogs have also been released so check them out also! All 3 so far are just as promised with great Pop beats and her new musical vibe! I can't wait to hear the next song coming this Friday the 27th!

This song and the others are currently available for download through her website as well as and . Evaporate is also out on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music and everywhere else you can think of. You can find more about Emma at the links below! Thanks for reading and if you liked this review give it a like and send us your comments! Subcribe to all our links also! We are on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, SoundCloud and Spotify also!
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